Show HN: Web search using a ChatGPT-like model that can cite its sources

Show HN: Web search using a ChatGPT-like model that can cite its sources We’ve trained a generative AI model to browse the web and answer questions/retrieve code snippets directly. Unlike ChatGPT, it has access to primary sources and is able to cite them when you hover over an answer (click on the text to go to the source being cited). We also show regular Bing results side-by-side with our AI answer. The model is an 11-billion parameter T5-derivative that has been fine-tuned on feedback given on hundreds of thousands of searches done (anonymously) on our platform. Giving the model web access lessens its burden to need to store a snapshot of human knowledge within its parameters. Rather, it knows how to piece together primary sources in a natural and informative way. Using our own model is also an order of magnitude cheaper than relying on GPT. A drawback to aligning models to web results is that they are less inclined to generate complete solutions/answers to questions where good primary sources don’t exist. Answers generated without underlying citable sources can be more creative but are prone to errors. In the future, we will show both types of answers. Examples: Would love to hear your thoughts. December 8, 2022 at 11:23PM

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